Monday, October 1, 2012

Get some shtuff at Redbubble!

Here it is! You can now acquire some of my monstrosities that is my artwork!

I've been wanting to have this option on the blog since the redesign and so I decided to try my hand with the folks over at redbubble to try this out.I would have revealed this a little earlier than expected but I waited to see how this stuff is presented and rest assured,it is delivered with great care and quality.I should mention though, it does take a while for this stuff to get here.Mine didn't arrive for two weeks but it was worth the wait.

So to begin with in the shop, I have postcards, posters/prints and a shirt available.I made it so I have a low - mid price range across.Postcards are €3,with personalised cards a little more.Posters are about €18 with the option of prints and t shirts are about €22.My first series is based on the Breaking Bad pieces I've done recently and I've also included the design "Chemical Hazards" as a postcard and a shirt!

I'll have more updates on whats available on the shop as soon as it hits.Feel free to let me know what you think and if you have a redbubble of your own,let me know!

Oh,your still here?

Go here

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