Wednesday, June 19, 2013

¡Requests,Part Dos!

Punk Zebra for Daisy

Since I hit 150 fans on my facebook page,I decided to do another batch of requests for the larf! Like last time,the results of these turned out excellent! All of them were drawn in a night but this time I took a bit more time colouring them and I had a bit of a hiccup with my laptop in the process but they are.

If you'd like to suggest a drawing the next time I do a batch of requests,keep your eyes peeled on my facebook page when I'll announce it again. Alternatively,if you can't wait, feel free to contact me through if you're interested in a commission.

Blues Brothers for Jake
Glen Caricature
Crazy Giraffe for Mark

Gabriel Belmont for Eoghan
Thor for Cat

Klaus Kinski for Cathal
Raptor for Emily
 A giant monster smashes through the roof and walls for Ben

Slash and Kirk Hammett fighting to the death with guitar swords for Alex

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