Holy moly folks,we're here already. Mother of God...welcome,welcome!
Since January has now dissipated like some ugly headcold,guess it's time to prepare for the year ahead.
This year will be dedicated to a project that I'm hugely excited about though it'll be an uphill battle. More on that when I have material ready to show! Exciting stuff is on the way!
For now a bit of an update on appearences!
Once again,I'll be at Dublin Comic Con this year with John Devlin as we release the next Incandescent Memories comic! Vol 3 has pretty much begun production though in the very early stages! DCC will be on at the National Convention this August 6th-7th.
Second bit of news,I'll be having a table at the Pop-Up Comics Fair happening next month - March 2nd!
In association with Alliance Francaise and The good folks behind The Comics Lab the exhibit will showcase the emerging comic creator market. Hope to see you guys there!
Last but not least...This month sees the first Women In Horror Month event take place at On The Rocks in Smithfield. To coincide with this,a WIHM comic anthology was put together by Sarah Elliot in which I have contributed to! The event will take place on February 25th at 7pm which will have live music and a copy of the anthology for everyone attending. Go check it out!