Thursday, April 2, 2015

Con Update '15

It's coming up to that time of year again - Conventions!

Once again,Ireland plays host to some great conventions that have grown over the last few years and with that,it means more art is on the way for the road ahead! Just want to announce two conventions that I will be taking part in as of this date.

First up - is the incoming Cork Comic Expo taking place next month at Mahon Point in Cork!

Since DICE is off the cards this year,this convention will take its place. It's looking like it'll be a cracker of a weekend for all those involved. Thank you to Will Sliney for organising and giving a lot of creatives a great opportunity for this event. Looking forward to having a proper look down Cork too! John Devlin and I will be selling our comic again with some more art and goodies involved. I also have another project I'm hoping to reveal at the event aswell. Hope to see you all there!

Next up - Dublin Comic Con!

I know it's a little early but I might as well annouce that I'll be doing DCC once again this year!
I had such a blast last year selling prints,talking to cosplayers and running victory laps around the con floor that I couldn't pass up the chance to do this convention. This time around,John Devlin will be around again and we should hopefully have another comic on the way to sell! (which you cannot miss!!)

Speaking of the comic....that's a story for another day.Stay tuned.

Lastly - Thoughtbubble.

Just something I want to add on here.I applied for a table for Thoughtbubble in Leeds this November. Unfortunately,I didn't make the cut on the application process. 

However - I'm still on board in the off chance that in sometime between now and November,that a cancellation may occur.This will not be a scenario that is certain but if such an event does happen,I will make it known. Either way,I'm definitely on board with attending this year and supporting some cool peeps and the great Irish talent that are representing at this year's show!

That's everything for now.More posts sooooooooooooon.
